Romani Reach


July 7





Mai Residence

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“Romani Reach”
A celebration of Hungarian Music

Sunday July 7, 6pm – THIS CONCERT IS SOLD OUT


Deborah Buck & Min-Young Kim, Violins

Kathryn Lockwood, viola; Caroline Stinson, cello

Orion Weiss, piano; Yousif Sheronick, percussion


One of the most significant musical genres in Hungary is the folk music of the Romani people.  Did you know that famous classical composers like Haydn, Dvorak, Brahms, and Bartok were all inspired and influenced by Romani music?  Romani Reach brings together both Hungarian and Romani influenced pieces in a Summer Soirees finale not to be missed!


 Advance Tickets: Adults/$50, Student/$20

Tickets on the door: Adults/$55, Students/$25